

구인 제목

항만 / Operation Manager

FNR Consulting
2024-01-10 14:10:47
채용시 마감

[업무 내용]

  1. Preventive management for various cargo accidents and human casualties at the time of cargo handling work by complying with and supervising implementation of the Industrial Safety & Health Act, Serious Accidents Punishment Act and Port Safety Special Act.
  2. Execute supervision of work attitude related to the intensive work of on-site manpower and adjustment of the supply and demand for said manpower.
  3. Execute government guidelines and suggestions through participation in the port operation related meetings.
  4. Execute various educational & training efforts and document management and supervision work to prevent securities accidents through compliance of the ISPS regulations, which are international securities regulations.
  5. Participate in the securities policy relate meetings of the Ministry of Fisheries and Ocean.
  6. Collection opinions on the grievances of all staff members and various personnel management related arbitration with the Personnel.
  7. Management Team as a member of the grievance processing committee of the company.
  8. Participation in the meetings for the requests of the labor union related to cargo handling work and execution of relevant management and supervision work.
  9. Management of cargo handling tools and management supervision of various equipment related to operations thereof Supervise management and maintenance of communications equipment, which are the communication devices of the operation team.
  10. Maintenance through dealings with customers related to the operation team.


[자격 요건]

  1. 4년제 졸업 이상 
  2. 최소 20년 이상 승선, 선박관리, 항만운영 등의 경력
  3. 팀 리더십 역량 (100명 전후의 팀원 관리) 
  4. 비즈니스 영어 
  5. 평택 근무 가능자 
  6. 자동차 화물선 승선 경험자 우대


[지원 방법]

smlee@fnrconsulting.com로 국문/영문 이력서 1부 송부 바랍니다.

작성일:2024-01-10 14:10:47